September 17, 2008

I really need to do something about this header

Need some help - how do I fix my header? Fix for now. Improve later.

Too late now to play around.

Really would rather post what I've been working on.

The patchwork cushion has been pieced together using a whole lot of scraps in my fabric stash. I love the result - inspired by the gorgeous wall hanging by xxx. How nice to make use of all those scrappy bits! Especially surprising to see the pretty patterns reveal themselves as I pieced my scraps together. I used an old cushion insert I found buried in a cupboard - unfortunately it has lost most of its fill and is quite flat. I may quilt the cushion for a quilted chair pad kind of effect. Too flat to pass for a cushion ( or so I'm told ).

Having difficulty uploading a pic. Damn bam! Bedtime for me now - will try again after work tomorrow

September 16, 2008

Taking the Plunge

Been surfing blogs for a while and finally decided to take the plunge and start my own. So often a creative pursuit has been inspired by a comment, an article, an interview I have read on a blog. Part of this endeavour is so that I can have a voice with which to thank those bloggers that have inspired me. I can now post comments without being anonymous - WOO HOOO!

Looking forward to sharing my creative pursuits.